Break bulk & Project Cargo

With own equipment, allied accessories, dedicated workforce with commercial experts and on strength of strong local relation, Ripley Group is fully conversant with handling break bulk, project, Heavy lift and over dimension cargo.

We regularly handle Spare parts, Steel pipe, Coils, Equipment & Machineries, Project cargo, Heavy lift cargo, various bagged cargo, Timber logs etc.

We do offer our customers world class project cargo handling solution as well as technical engineering services to manage the project completely from start to finish, ensuring timely delivery of your valuable goods at minimum cost and our dedicated operation team handles shipment in a customized manner with proper planning and safety.


Project Service

  • Assist in planning and cost effective operations.
  • Site inspection and project planning.
  • Route surveys and selection of reliable carriers.
  • Track and trace with en-route reporting.
  • Ensuring project co-ordination & implementation.
  • Client and site co-ordination.
  • Heavy lift and abnormal lift services.
  • Positioning and installation services.
  • Project documentation and compilation of installation manuals.
  • Sourcing and material supply services.
  • Customs clearance.
  • Final stage delivery with closing report.
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